Living the Dream

Running a rescue is something I never imagined I would do. I mean, how do you start a business like this anyway? I had no idea, but I still went ahead and started Spirit’s Promise. I tell people that if you want to learn a language, live in that country. So, that’s what I did. I submerged myself in the language of horses.

I am realizing that I can love something so much and also resent it simultaneously. My heart is so involved in this rescue that even if I wanted to leave, I can’t. The lives of many souls count on me to make the right decisions. It’s truly a matter of life and death for these animals.  All the decisions for them rely on my compassion. 


Why would I rescue animals? Because they are voiceless. They need to be rewarded for their kindness and the money they have made for their barns.  “Hack” horses will keep riders safe on their backs for years, making the barns they live in a lot of money.  My job here at Spirit’s Promise is to make sure these emotional animals have so much love, grain, hay, and routine when they come here for their retirement.  Rescuing a lesson horse or a “hack line” horse is my favorite because I witness their change.    It makes my heart happy to watch them realize they don’t have to work any longer.  I know some of you out there know what that feels like.  I love what I do and the fat, happy animals of Spirit’s Promise remind me of the gift we have given each other. 


It’s a hard “business” to be in because it’s not a business at all, and I am not a businesswoman. Running a rescue is an affair of the heart.  For those who do not know me, my heart has been broken many times and put back together with scotch tape and bubble gum.  That is why I don’t run the business side of things, but that’s for another blog. I cry a lot and ask myself why, but I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life.


I’m being very honest because people think I am living the dream. It’s not a dream, it is a ton of hard work, emotionally and physically, plus it must be taken very seriously. I show up extremely vulnerable at Spirit's Promise while rescuing 1000-pound prey animals whose only job is to survive the day.