Elvis, born in 2002, is an American Paint Horse originally named Elmo. When he was just a foal, he was kicked by his mother in an effort to teach him boundaries and physical distance. This kick dislocated his incisors, except for one in his upper jaw. Elvis has never been ridden, however, he found his purpose as a grooming horse for most of his life. Unable to provide lessons at barns, he became a liability and was ultimately sent to slaughter. In 2017, Spirit’s Promise received a call about Elvis and knew he had to be saved. Now at Spirit’s Promise, we can see the long-term effects of his youth in the lack of confidence he displays when interacting with the herd. When he first came to us, he paired up with Zeus, the biggest horse in the herd, so he wouldn’t get picked on. Zeus loved being a protector for Elvis, but he, unfortunately, crossed over the rainbow bridge in 2020. Since that time, Elvis has come to know his place as the low horse on the totem pole in the herd, going in for his hay when everyone else is done. His stall mate Skipper who also lost his best friend has filled a void and has helped through the grieving process. Elvis is one of our easiest horses to work with and you will always find him in the backdrop of the herd, but he’s one of the first to approach humans.
In addition to his meals consisting of Hay and Grains, Elvis also receives a dewormer and daily doses of Devils Claw, an anti-inflammatory, and Vermont Pro, a prebiotic/probiotic.
Here’s a quick snapshot of the monthly costs to keep this 1,057-pound Gelding happy and healthy at Spirit’s Promise: